Module 1: The Hyperactive Child

How to Calm your Child's Nervous System

So you have a hyperactive child. In this package we will be delving into the core strategies for quickly and easily calming down your child's central nervous system through natural and holistic methods which work, giving your family a happier life.

Want to see what Module 1 is all about?

Click Play to watch this free introductory video. Enjoy!

Module 2: Sensory Overload towards Sound, Touch & Vision

In this package we will explain the Tactile, Auditory and Visual systems and show you how your child can overcome their sensory sensitivities. We will provide practical solutions for you, so your child can learn emotional self-regulation.

Want to see what Module 2 is all about?

Click Play to watch this free introductory video. Enjoy!

Module 3: Sensory Overload towards Smell, Taste & Texture of Food

Is your child a picky eater, or do they have strong emotional reactions to new smells? In this package we will be delving into the Gustatory and Olfactory Systems and provide you with everything you will need to achieve stress free mealtimes!

Want to see what Module 3 is all about?

Click Play to watch this free introductory video. Enjoy!

Module 4: Sensory Overload towards Balance, Posture & Body Awareness

Is your child constantly moving, bumping, jumping and unaware of their surroundings? In this package we will be delving into the Proprioceptive and Vestibular Systems and will offer you practical and fun activities to give your child better balance.

Want to see what Module 4 is all about?

Click Play to watch this free introductory video. Enjoy!

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  • Corinne helped me to realise that I am a good mother and my daughter was truly struggling (not just being naughty). Thanks to Corinne I now understand my daughter's specific needs and why she was feeling constantly overwhelmed and anxious. I have been able to change my parenting style and have learnt my daughter's triggers and how to support her through these. - Maria

  • Our son Thomas was diagnosed with autism and development delays when he was 4.5 years old. We were tired of dealing with his sensory meltdowns and aggression, so we called Corinne. I highly recommend Corinne's sensory integration therapy and her strength-based learning environment. It's been life-changing for our son. - Sarah

  • I attended one of Corinne's Neurographic Courses a few years ago. I was fascinated by this technique but had no idea how powerful it would be. I found doing neurographics was a way to work through some of my emotions and so I use it when I am feeling low or sad. - Monica